% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το The Metadata Company
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Τι (ποιος) είναι The Metadata Company - ορισμός

Metadata (corporation); The Metadata® Company; The Metadata(r) Company

The Metadata Company         
<company> A company founded by Jack Myers, originally known as Metadata Information Partners. http://metadata.com/. E-mail: <metadata@metadata.com>. Address: 444 West Ocean Blvd, Suite 1600, Long Beach CA 90802, USA. (1998-11-21)
Geospatial metadata         
GIS metadata; Geographic metadata; ISO 19115; Geographic MetaData; ISO 19139
Geospatial metadata (also geographic metadata) is a type of metadata applicable to geographic data and information. Such objects may be stored in a geographic information system (GIS) or may simply be documents, data-sets, images or other objects, services, or related items that exist in some other native environment but whose features may be appropriate to describe in a (geographic) metadata catalog (may also be known as a data directory or data inventory).
Metadata removal tool         
Metadata Removal Tool; Metadata scrubber; Metadata stripper
Metadata removal tool or metadata scrubber is a type of privacy software built to protect the privacy of its users by removing potentially privacy-compromising metadata from files before they are shared with others, e.g.


The Metadata Company

Metadata is the name of a US corporation and a registered trademark in the United States.

Though the term "metadata" has a common generic use in information technology, claims of trademark have since brought about legal threats against its use in the generic sense.